Master Plan For Aging

What’s New and Highlights!

California for All Ages: Why a Master Plan for Aging?

Aging is changing and it’s changing California. California’s over-6o population is projected to diversify and grow faster than any other age group. By 2030, nearly 10 million Californians will be an older adult, making up one-quarter of the state’s population.

California’s Master Plan for Aging (MPA) affirms the priority of the health and well-being of older Californians and people with disabilities. It is a “blueprint” for state government, local government, the private sector, and philanthropy to prepare the state for the coming demographic changes and continue California’s leadership in aging, disability, and equity.

The Master Plan for Aging outlines five bold goals and twenty-three strategies to build a California for All Ages by 2030. It also includes a Data Dashboard on Aging to measure our progress and a Local Playbook to drive partnerships that help us meet these goals together.

This is not a plan simply for today’s older adults. Instead, it is a blueprint for aging across the lifespan. The Master Plan for Aging calls on all California communities to build a California for All Ages & Abilities: for older Californians currently living through the many different stages of the second half of life; for younger generations who can expect to live longer lives than their elders; for communities of all ages – family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and caregivers – surrounding older adults and people with disabilities. As Californians, we can create communities where people of all ages and abilities are engaged, valued, and afforded equitable opportunities to thrive as we age, how and where we choose.

A famous quote

An aging population will introduce new opportunities for economic and community growth, but also drive increased health and long-term care costs. We need a plan that brings everyone to the table – local communities, labor, private sector and philanthropy – to help us understand what’s coming and guide us toward taking better care of older Californians.

Governor Gavin Newsom announcing the signing of Executive Order N-14-19, June 10, 2019, calling for the development of the MPA

Master Plan for Aging: Five Bold Goals for 2030

GOAL one: Housing for All Ages & Stages

We will live where we choose as we age in communities that are age-, disability-, and dementia-friendly and climate- and disaster-ready.

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GOAL two: Health Reimagined

We will have access to the services we need to live at home in our communities and to optimize our health and quality of life.

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GOAL three: Inclusion & Equity, Not Isolation

We will have lifelong opportunities for work, volunteering, engagement, and leadership and will be protected from isolation, discrimination, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

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GOAL four: Caregiving That Works

We will be prepared for and supported through the rewards and challenges of caring for aging loved ones.

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GOAL five: Affording Aging

We will have economic security for as long as we live.

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